The Coaching Journey
The structure of creating your best life is actually very simple. Learning and using the structure (laying down new neural pathways in the brain that get stronger with use over time) is crucial, and the journey is far more easily traveled with guidance and support.
No matter what path you are traveling in life as an adult or teen,
Neuro Harmony Coaching can help you live your life with joy and satisfaction
beyond what you can see in the present.
There is no perfect person. Most of us are products of faulty programming and therefore are “works in progress.” You are not broken. You hopefully learn from your mistakes and sometimes from others’ mistakes as well....in fact, learning from mistakes is one of the most memorable and valuable ways to learn. But there are even more valuable ways to expand your perception, realize your dreams and increase your peace and happiness. There is no challenge that is too big or unsolvable, and any stage of life is a good time to seek support. My approach begins with where you are right now, and together as a team through trust and acceptance, we allow the process to unfold, making discoveries and lasting changes along the way that enrich your quality of life.
Neuro Harmony Coaching brings focus to the scientific understanding that our Brains have ‘neuroplasticity’ and can grow new pathways at any stage of life. With practice, the Brain works in harmony with the Heart (or that ‘Higher Self place’ where our intuition, dreams and passion arise from) to live our best possible life…bringing our unconscious into awareness, and our imagination into reality.
The Higher Self conceives.
The Brain Mind receives.
The Personality Mind perceives.
I would like to tell you a bit about how I work as a coach. Here are a few important premises that I work with:
There is nothing wrong with you.
Your Focus creates your Reality.
We are very often not aware of where our Focus is because it is subconscious...until we learn how to recognize it and choose a powerful focus from our Genius Creator Self.
Our thoughts and feelings are not real; they don’t reflect reality.
We can replace Unhealthy Habits with Healthy Habits.
We can learn to elevate our feelings and emotions.
Our subconscious (or unconscious) holds Limiting Beliefs that hold us back in life, until we discover a better way to create a new reality.
Our Heart holds Dreams and Desires that we may not be in touch with or have abandoned.
We can all learn to trust our Intuition; we already have this skill that can be strengthened.
Our dreams and desires become our Choices, from which we create our reality.
I’m excited to guide you to become your Genius Creator self, to use newfound skills on your own when ready, and to continue to use the skills because of your amazing results.
Your first 30-45 min discovery session is FREE…email me to schedule today.
I welcome all questions and I hope to hear from you soon!
Many Blessings,
Lisa Erskine Knopp
Neuro Harmony Coach for Natural Success
Email lisaknopp108@gmail.com 💜
Cell: 425-985-6971